Automation. Information. Control. Instruments
¹ 1
- Alqubati A. F., Muromtsev D. Yu., Shamkin V. N. Defining the Probabilities of Functioning States of Complicated Systems under Erlang Distribution of Work and Restoration Periods of its Elements (p 6) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Shcherbatov I. A., Protalinskiy I. O. Mathematical Modeling of Complex Multicomponent Systems. (p 17) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Zhukov N. P., Rogov I. V., Popov O. N., Vasilyev D. O. Measuring System of Nondestructive Testing of Thermophysical Properties and Temperature Characteristics of Structural Transformations in Polymeric Materials (p 27) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Maynikova N. F., Balashov À. À., Vasilyev S. Î. Non-Destructive Method of Investigation of Relaxation Transitions in Polymeric Materials (p 34) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Chernyshova T. I., Tretyakov V. V. Mathematical Modeling in the Analysis of Metrological Reliability of Analog Parts of Information-Measuring Systems (p 42) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Frolov S. V., Sindeev S. V., Liepsch D., Balasso A. Mathematical Modeling of Blood Flow in Basilar Artery Bifurcation Region (in English) (p 50) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Dyakin V. N. Deterministic Statements of Problems of Management of High Technology Industrial Enterprise in Medium Term (p 59) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Karpushkin S. V., Kornilov K. S. Automated Design of Elements for Pressing Equipment to Manufacture Rubber Goods. Part 1. Statement of the Problems and Information Relations between them (p 222) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Antonova N. E., Bolshakov A. A., Kiselev V. V., Lobanov V. V. The Application of Hybrid Expert System for Decision Support in Stabilometry (p 235) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Avtsinov I. A., Korystina I. S. Formalization of Definition of Ways of Influencing the Condition of Ecosystem (p 244) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Artemova S. V., Podkhvatilin P. A., Sheludyakov R. O. Building Software of Intelligent Humidity Sensor (in English) (p 253) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Maynikova N. F., Vasilyev S. Î., Antonov À. Î., Popov Î. N. The Measuring System of Quality Control of Fats in the Food Industry (p 261) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Egorov S. Ya., Sharonin K. A. The Prototype of Expert System for Industrial Objects Layout (p 268)
Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Kositsyn N. V., Petrov V. V. Development of Software for Scientific Data Collection and Visualization (p 277) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Dmitriyevskiy B. S., Dmitriyeva O. V. Automated Control of Production Systems: Model Development and its Translation into Innovative State (p 284) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Muromtsev D. Yu., Traverso A., Gribkov A. N., Kurkin I. A.
Application of Optimal Control Theory to Hybrid Objects to Minimize
Greenhouse Gases Emissions (in English) (p 430) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Bolshakov À. À., Egorov I. V., Lobanov V. V., Lachugin D. V.
Designing a Stand for a Comparative Analysis of Transport Layer Protocols
for Information Flow Processing to Create an Adaptive Data Conversion
System (p 440) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Matveykin V. G., Dmitrievskiy B. S., Shatilova A. A., Filina A. E.,
Semerzhinskiy S. G. Modeling of Industrial System Dynamics (in English) (p 452) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Efremov R. A. Immunity of Multicasting Communication Systems under
Autocorrelation Reception of Compositional Noise-Type Signal (p 459) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Dmitriev V. N., Ivakin A. A. Comparison of Wireless Technologies for
Video Content Delivery (p 466) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Vetrov A. N., Osipova A. A., Gachsar M. A., Makarova A. V., Romanovsky V. I., Belyaev N. I. Combining of Infrared and Television Images in Medical Diagnosis (p 474) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 4
- Zaitsev I. V., Laptev T. V., Ostrovskiy G. M., Ziyatdinov N. N.
The Dependence of Uncertain Parameters in One-Stage Optimization
Problem Using ?-Squared Distribution (p 680) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Stolin A. M., Stelmakh L. S. General Principles of Mathematical Modeling
of SHS Technology (p 684) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Gribkova V. P., Filichenok A. E. Approximate Solution of Thermal
Conductivity Problem with Unstable Boundary (p 693) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Lovchakov V. I., Lupachev A. A., Sukhinin B. V., Kretov E. I. Synthesis
of Quasi-Optimal Controllers for Objects of the Same Class (p 700) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Digo G. B., Digo N. B. Selection of Optimal Set of Adjusting Parameters
of Technical Objects (p 708) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Neudorf R. A., Sigida Yu. L. Computer Simulation of Airscrew in the Study
of its Traction Power Capacity (p 713) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Vlasovà E. V., Glinkin E. I. The Choice of Effective Metrological Tools
for Analytical Control of Blood Glucose (p 720) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Frolova M. S., Frolov S. V., Tolstukhin I. A. Regulation on Medical
Devices in Different Countries (in English) (p 726) Text of paper (Eng) (pdf-file)
Chemical and related engineering. Chemistry
¹ 1
- Dvoretskiy D. S., Dvoretskiy S. I., Ostrovskiy G. M. Design of Controlled Processes and Devices of Food and Chemical Technologies under Uncertainty. Part 1. One Stage Problems and Algorithms of Integrated Design (p 66) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Golovashin V. L., Lazarev S. I., Lavrenchenko A. A. Investigation of the Kinetic Coefficients of Electroultrafiltration Separation of Industrial Solutions for Biochemical Production (p 86) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Vorobyov Yu. V., Kuzmin A. P. Chemical Action of Water Hammer in the Activator of Motor Fuel (p 95) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Dvoretskiy S. I., Plotnikov M. Yu., Gladyshev N. F., Gladysheva T. V. Experimental Research into the Process of Air Regeneration in Pressure-Tight Inhabited Objects (p 292)
Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Lomovtseva E. E., Ulyanova M. A., Gatapova N. Ts. On Porous Structure of Sorbing Hybrid Materials for Air Drying (p 299) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Abonosimov D. O., Lazarev S. I. Application of Membrane Technology in Wastewater Treatment of Electroplating Industry (p 306) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Degtyareva E. E., Kilimnik A. B., Gladyshevà I. V. Anodic Oxidation of the Anion of 2-Merkaptobenztiazolat Sodium in the Presence of Propanol-2 (p 314)
Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Shestopalova N. B., Chernova R. K. Sodium Salt Effect on Phase Separation in “(OP-10) – H2O”
System (p 322) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Dyakov I. A., Davydov D. V., Mukhin R. Yu. To the Question of Mathematical Modeling of Optical Properties of Electrolytic Tinning (p 329) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Dvoretskiy D. S., Dvoretskiy S. I., Ostrovskiy G. M. Design of Controlled
Processes and Devices of Food and Chemical Technologies under Uncertainty. Part 2. Two-Stage Problems and Algorithms of Integrated Design (p 481) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Kazub V. T., Koshkarova A. G. Extraction Process by High Intensity
Pulsed Electric Fields (p 496) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Suvorova Yu. A., Gladyshev N. F., Gatapova N. C., Gladyseva T. V.
Chemisorption Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide by Composite Sorbent in a Flow
Type Apparatus (p 502) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Degtyareva E. E., Kilimnik A. B., Gladyshevà I. V. Anodic Oxidation of
the Anion of 2-merkaptobenztiazole Sodium in the Presence of 2-methyl-3-hexanol (p 508) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Akulinchev A. M., Abonosimov O. A. Research into Kinetic Coefficients
of Reverse Osmosis Separation of Solutions on the Membranes MGA-95
and MGA-100 in under Wastewater Treatment from Heavy Metals
(Zn, Cd, Pl) (p 516) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Dyakov I. A., Davydova D. V. Checking Conditions of Applicability of
Bouger–Lambert–Beer Law in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions with Carbon
Nanotubes "Taunit" (p 521) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 4
- Golovashin V. L. Mathematical Model of Joint Electric Heat and Mass
Transfer in Electro-Baromembrane Systems (p 734) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Sirenek V. A. Numerical Probabilistic Method of Solving Mass Transfer
Relaxation Equations (p 747) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Kapranova A. B., Bakin M. N., Zaitsev A. I. Media Particle Size
for the Description of their Mixing in a Drum-and-Belt Type Device (p 754) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Karpushkin S. V., Krasnyanskiy M. N., Strizhkov A. V. Calculation
of Mechanical Mixing Devices Using the System of Finite Element Analysis (p 758) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Dvoretskiy D. S., Peshkova E. V., Temnov M. S. Experimental Research
and Modeling of Growth of Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris IGF No. C-111 (p 765) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Kazub V. T., Koshkarova A. G. Determining the Speed of Extraction
Agent Front Advancement into Plant Material in Swelling (p 773) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Orlova N. V., Yashchenko A. G., Orlov A. Yu., Koliukh A. N.,
Pshichkina D. Yu. Improvement of Crystallisation Stage in Production
of Sulfamic Acid (in English) (p 780) Text of paper (Eng) (pdf-file)
- Khaustov I. A. The Synthesis Control of Polymers Batchwise Technique
on the Basis of the Reaction Components Fractional Filling (p 787) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
Mathematics. Physics
¹ 1
Nakhman A. D., Osilenker B. P. Åxponential Methods of Summation of the Fourier Series (in English) (p 101) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Barsukov V. I., Krasnova A. V. Application of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy to Analyze Different Water Composition (p 110) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Ivanov V. M., Fofana S. Electro-Optical Moire in the Study of Electric and Magnetic Fields (in French) (p 117) Text of paper (french) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Gaynutdinov O. I., Gaynutdinov O. O. Justification for the Choice of Research Methodology for Biomechanical System “Implant – Bone” (p 336) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Nakhman A. D. Summation of Power Series of Functions of Classes Hp/v
on Boundary of the Convergence Circle (in English) (p 530) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Fomin V. I. On Optimal Linear Estimates of One Radical (p 539) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 4
- Barsukov V. I., Buchneva E. M. Mathematical Planning of Experiments
to Identify Composition of the Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (p 793) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
Machine-building. Building-construction. Material science. Metal-working
¹ 1
- Vanin V. A., Kolodin A. N., Khramova N. A., Averin A. S. Application of Hydraulic Connections in Shaping Gear Cutting Machines for Cutting Bevel Gears with Cutter Heads (p 129) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Ledenev V. V., Odnolko V. G., Kolesnikova A. V. The Causes of Damages and Destructions of Brick Buildings (p 141) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Mamontov À. À., Yartsev V. P., Maksimova À. À. The Influence of Density of the Extrusion Foam Polystyrene PENOPLEX® on its Physical-Mechanical Properties (p 342)
Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Averchenkov A. V., Kuklo E. Yu., Terekhov M. V. Mathematical Modeling
Procedures to Determine Prime Cost of Milling Operations (p 543) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Fesenko À. I., Protsenko I. G., Brusentsov Yu. À. A Device for Determining
Gas Components in the Synthesis of Piezoceramic Materials (p 551) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Yartsev V. P., Podolskaya M. A. Composites Based on Polyester Resins
with Polymer Additives (p 557) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 4
- Yartsev V. P., Dolzhenkova M. V., Petrova N. V. The Influence of Fillers
and Nanoadditives on Operational Properties of Composites on the Basis
of Bitumen (p 801) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
Material Science. Nanotechnology
¹ 1
- Gubin S. A., Maklashova I. V., Melnikova K. S., Lyubimov A. V., Gubina T. V. Estimation of Properties for Corundum-Zirconia Ceramics (p 153) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Kulakov V. Yu., Litovka Yu. V., Zhigachev A. O. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanomodified Palladium Coatings Obtained by Electrodeposition (p 159) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Panina T. I., Tkachev A. G., Mikhaleva Z. A. The Influence of Polyfunctional Nanomodifier on Frost Resistance of Fine Concrete (p 349) Text of paper (rus)
- Ushakov I. V., Batomunkuev A. Yu. Computer Simulation of Cracks Healing in Nanocrystalline Alloy after Nanosecond Laser Impulse Treatment (p 356) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Poluektov V. L., Buznik V. M., Baronin G. S., Khudyakov V. V. The
Features of Combined Solid-Phase Extrusion Technology, Structure and
Properties of Formation of Fluoropolymer-Based Nanocomposites (p 564) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Aladinskiy À. À., Rukhov À. V., Tugolukov Å. N., Dyachkova Ò. P.
Process Improvement and Equipment Design of Carbon Nanomaterial
"Taunit" Synthesis (p 572) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Tyalina V. A., Mishchenko S. V., Tyalin Yu. I. Mathematical Modeling
of Growth and Interaction of Elastic Twins (in English) (p 579) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Pasko T. V., Semikina S. I. The Analysis of Inventive Activity Dynamics
in Nanotechnology (p 586) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
Economics and social sciences
¹ 1
- Kalugin A. S., Terekhova G. L. Philosophical and Religious Aspects of Alienation in Higher Education in Modern Russia (p 167) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Esikova M. M., Kulin V. V. Natural Duties and Taxes of Tambov Peasants in the Period of War Communism (p 175) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Smoleyev A. A. Electoral Spring – 1990: the First Real Elections in the Province (on Materials of Tambov Region) (p 182) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Protasova O. L., Naumova M. D., Bikbaeva E. V. A. V. Peshekhonov on Cultural Life in Russia in Early XX Century (in German) (p 191) Text of paper (german) (pdf-file)
- Glazkova M. M., Shakhova L. A. The Functions of Artistic Technique of Dream in the Novel by Vladimir Maximov "Seven Days of Creation" (in German) (p 198) Text of paper (german) (pdf-file)
- Tonkikh V. A., Goncharova T. S. The Problems of Training and
Education of Children with Disabilities in the Family from 1990 to 2010 (the Voronezh Region) (p 209) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
¹ 2
- Doroshina M. M. The Body of First Secretaries of Komsomol Regional and Town Committees in the Tambov Region During the Great Patriotic War (p 365) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Borodulina N. Yu., Makeyeva M. N. Metaphors in the Language of Economics (in French) (p 372) Text of paper (french) (pdf-file)
- Evenko E. V., Glivenkova O. A., Kopelnik V. I., Shipovskaya A. A. Meaning Construction through the Perception of Phonosemantic Symbols of the Text (in English) (p 381) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Ilyina I. E., Morozova O. N., Lyabina O. G., Shmakov S. I. Nonverbal Communication (in German)
(p 386) Text of paper (german) (pdf-file)
- Voyakina E. Yu., Korolyova L. Yu. Language Learners’ Beliefs and their Role in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language (in English) (p 397) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Bortnikova T. G. Student Mobility and Problems of Intercultural Communication Development (in English) (p 407) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Protasova O. L., Zakharov V. V. Features of Advertisement Production on Subregional TV (in German) (p 414) Text of paper (german) (pdf-file)
¹ 3
- Ten V. V., Zlobina N. V., Sizikin À. Yu. From Quality Management to the
Quality of Management (p 594) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Lavrikov I. N., Penshin N. V. Economic Efficiency and Competitiveness
of Passenger Transport in the RF Regions (p 599) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Evenko E. V., Klyukina Yu. V., Shipovskaya A. A. Representation of the
National Precedent Phenomena in the Social Precedent Texts (Based on
English and Russian Texts of the Internet-Culture) (in English) (p 608) Text of paper (eng) (pdf-file)
- Vyguzova E. Yu., Teplyakova E. K. Features of Linguistic Evaluation in
Economic Discourse (in German) (p 615) Text of paper (ger) (pdf-file)
- Nikulina N. I., Chebotareva G. N., Makeyeva M. N. The Author’s Means
of Influence on the Reader thorough Internal Monologue (based on
V. Woolf’s Novel "Waves") (in German) (p 621) Text of paper (ger) (pdf-file)
- Khudyakov A. V. Features of Jacques Chirac’s Political Discourse
(in French) (p 629) Text of paper (french) (pdf-file)
- Arkhipova L. V. The Content of Substantive Lexical Units in Verbal
Combinations as a Set of Meanings of a Polysemantic Verb (in German) (p 636) Text of paper (ger) (pdf-file)
- Bredikhin V. E., Kobzeva I. Yu. Komsomol Cadres in 1941 – 1945:
Comparative Analysis (p 642) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Bakhtiyarov R. S., Fedorova A. V. Evacuation of Farm Animals to
Southern Urals in the Great Patriotic War (p 653) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Zakharov V. V., Protasova O. L. Features of Television Advertising on
Subregional TV (in German) (p 663) Text of paper (ger) (pdf-file)
¹ 4
- Korobova O. V., Naumova N. V., Blyum M. A. To the question
of Managing Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation (in German) (p 810) Text of paper (German) (pdf-file)
- Istomin M. A., Dedov D. L., Balakova V. M. The Role of Innovation
Infrastructure in the Development of Higher Educational Institution (p 818) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Avtsinov O. I. Features of Public-Private Partnerships Project Implementation
in Russia (p 823) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Esikova M. M. Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Tambov
Province Before and During the First World War (p 830) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- Borodulina N. Yu., Gulyaeva E. A., Makeyeva D. D. Linguistic Features
of Professional Language of Architects (in French) (p 838) Text of paper (French) (pdf-file)
- Lazarev V. A., Laskova M. V. Features of Interpretation of Linguocultural
Background of Precedent Phenomena in Sports Discourse (p 846) Text of paper (rus) (pdf-file)
- To "Transactions of the TSTU"