Key words and phrases: development of logistics base; distributed computational system; dynamic sys-tems; informational training manufacturing complex; highly productive cluster; symbolic computations.
Abstract: In Tambov State Technical University a highly productive computational training scientific manu-facturing complex is created; it includes highly productive cluster of parallel computations, distributed highly pro-ductive computational system and computer classes with work stations for doing highly productive computations both in scientific and educational purposes.
Key words and phrases: automated system of supervisory control; automation of substations; exchange protocol; net control center; real time systems.
Abstract: The paper studies the selection of the structure of integrated automated systems of control over distribution network; it analyzes the techniques of modeling distribution computer systems in the power industry. New approaches to modeling are offered. The requirements to exchange protocol are formulated.
Key words and phrases: measuring devices; metrological reliability; operating conditions.
Abstract: Estimation and forecasting of metrological characteristics of the means of thermo-physical meas-urements with regard for the effect of external factors is intended for determination of indexes of metrological reli-ability as well as improvement of quality of the examined measuring devices and their metrological properties in rigid operating conditions. The given paper analyzes the effect of the environment on metrological reliability in-dexes.
Key words and phrases: binary search; efficiency of search; information search.
Abstract: The paper presents the model of solution to the task of information search including mathematical description of sequential and binary search as well as the model of evaluation of efficiency search including the pa-rameters of accuracy, completeness, specificity and selectivity as well as loss of information and search noise.
Key words and phrases: deficit; direct action; confidence limits; control systems; logistics; overstocking; plan approach; reaction approach; stock control.
Abstract: The paper studies the existing approaches to stock control. The new technique of direct action is proposed on their basis; it enables to solve the problem of stock regulation more efficiently. The algorithm of direct action in stock control presents the result of the study.
Key words and phrases: nondestructive control; numerical modeling; phase transition; temperature field; thermo-physical properties.
Abstract: The paper presents modeling of heat transfer in polymer material under phase transition. The ob-tained results can be applied to determine the heat of phase transition in polymers and polymer-based composite materials using nondestructive method.
Key words and phrases: adsorption kinetics; carbon dioxide; isolating breathing apparatus; kalium perox-ide; regenerative product.
Abstract: The paper studies kinetics of the process of regenerative product interaction on matrix with carbon dioxide in the course of testing of isolating breathing apparatus on the set “Artificial Lungs”. Mathematics model of the regenerative product performance in the apparatus is proposed. It is shown that adsorption kinetics of carbon dioxide is described through the equation . The difference between the calculated value of carbon dioxide absorption by regenerative product and the one which was defined experimentally equals 10 % approximately.
Key words and phrases: adsorption kinetics; chemisorptions; heat method; mass and heat transfer.
Abstract: The paper studied the heat method of research into kinetics and dynamics of a complicated process of adsorption of carbon dioxide and moisture by regenerative substances which takes place in the cylinder-shaped model.
It proves the need for the application of formal equation of kinetics of the bio-molecular reaction type for the description of the process of chemisorptions by regenerative substances on the basis of potassium superoxide in the cylinder-shaped model including the pulsing flow.
The technique of examining the heat processes under the chemisorptions is developed.
Key words and phrases: crystallization; granular metric composition; oxidization.
Abstract: The paper studies the influence of oxidizing agents (12 options) and production parameters on crystallization kinetics, granular metric composition and output of optic bleach. Recommendations on production Belofor OB with the designed size of crystals are given.
Key words and phrases: corrosion; electrode reactions; products of refining; rapeseed; waste oil.
Abstract: The paper studies the protective properties of new anticorrosive materials on the basis of secondary products (waste motor oil, products of its refining) and quickly renewable environmentally friendly ones (unrefined fresh, oxidized, uninhibited and inhibited rape oil.
It is shown, that they are as effective as similar up-to-date commercial materials both of foreign and domestic production. These materials have been tested in the open air, under the shelter and in the unheated premises.
Key words and phrases: References on Drying and Energy-Saving; Pore Network Models; Fractal Theory; Fuzzy Sets; Neural Networks; Software; Energy-Savings; Process Integration; Pinch Analysis; Onion Model; Heat Pumps; Vortex Tubes; Ranque-Hilsch Effect; Intermittent Drying; Pulse Combustion Drying; Tube Bundle Dryers; Disk Dryers; Mechanical Dewatering; Synergy between Evaporation, Crystallization, Filtration and Drying; Os-motic and Electro-Osmotic Dewatering; Mechanical Thermal Expression; Electric Field in Drying and Dewatering.
Abstract: The new foreign researches (mainly – since last DHTP–2005 Moscow conference) on drying and hygrothermal processing are considered on this plenary lecture. Some key results and tendencies are analyzed. Nu-merous references in the field are cited.
Key words and phrases: capillary models; cluster models; drying mechanism; percolation systems; fractal systems; porous structures; transfer phenomenon.
Abstract: The paper gives insights into present-day approaches to the theory of transfer in drying, such as network capillary structures, percolation systems, cluster analysis and fractal models. The bibliography supple-mented with comments is given. It is necessary to take into account factors restricting the mechanism of drying and the quality of materials. The approach is illustrated on the basis of hydrothermal dependencies and model descrip-tion of chemical and rheological processes.
Key words and phrases: energy-saving; onion diagram; pinch-analysis; processes integration; resource-saving.
Abstract: The paper presents the views on present-day technique of energy-saving; it is based on integrated approach to manufacturing on the whole and to the system of apparatuses as well as on the analysis of individual and total hot and cold flows, revealing narrow limiting spots – «pinches» through the shell hierarchy production scheme, i.e. onion model. The bibliography supplemented with comments is given.
Key words and phrases: rotor disk driers; rotor tube driers; specific metal capacity of driers; viscosity of drying products.
Abstract: The data on modern tube and disk driers with rolling steam-heated rotor are given. Their strengths and weaknesses are revealed. The prospects of their application for drying grain materials are shown.
Key words and phrases: adiabatic power of the compressor; coefficient of compressor’s efficiency; compressor’s capacity; energy costs; mass-size indexes; multi-adsorption schemes; short-cycle heatless adsorption; small-size units.
Abstract: The paper analyzes different schemes of arranging short-cycle heatless adsorption in small-size portable units from the point of energy costs. Recommendations on their application are given.
Key words and phrases: impulse regeneration; specific gas load; exergic analysis.
Abstract: The efficiency of impulse regeneration of grain filters is proved through exergic analysis
Key words and phrases: dust collection under heat drying; grain filters; high-temperature processes; metal ceramic filters.
Abstract: The paper studies the peculiarities of application of filters with combined structure of grain layer for highly-efficient and energy-saving dust collection. Technical and technological advantages of these filters appli-cation are considered.
Key words and phrases: computer modeling; IR-spectroscopy; non-crystal phase of polymers; polyethylene; Teflon; polyethylenetetramethyldisylene; polymethylenetetramethyldisylene; X-ray (diffraction) analysis.
Abstract: Non-crystal phase components of some polymers such as polyethylene, low-dispersed Teflon, polyethylenetetramethyldisylene and polymethylenetetramethyl-disylene are studied using the methods of X-ray (diffraction) analysis, IR-spectroscopy and additional computational methods. Through the new method of identifi-cation of non-crystal micro- and nano-structures in polymers the scattering of X-rays is accounted in accordance with Debye and present day provisions of macro-molecular modeling; the structure of the above-mentioned poly-mers is identified. The correctness of the produced structural parameters for Teflon, polyethylenetetramethyldi-sylene and polymethylenetetramethyldisylene has been verified by designing the complete computational diffraction pattern for non-crystal phase components.
Key words and phrases: annealing; face section; metal glass; melting zone; micro-solidity; thermal influ-ence zone; plasticity; thermal stability.
Abstract: Behavioral patterns of mechanical properties of metal glass on the basis of cobalt subjected to heat-ing and laser emission are found out.
Key words and phrases: artificial intelligence; clustering; electronic learning; intelligent systems.
Abstract: Model design and implementation by means of computer technology and methods has been a fo-cus of multiple researches in Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research, Decision Support and Management Sys-tems at the last years. Case based reasoning techniques and methods are used frequently in problem solving. They help model builders to identify and design optimization models improving their cognitive skills and knowledge in modeling process. At the present paper, it is proposed a new approach based on application of case based reasoning in model building. The problems associated to construction of optimization models by means of computer are dis-cussed from theoretical and practical point of views. Finally, a new intelligent system is proposed and described. It has as objectives to help professional (specialists, professors, students and others) in model building and implemen-tation on Internet. The fast rise of information and telecommunication networks, and particularly Internet and its rapid diffusion, implementation and introduction into universities, professional training and postgraduate institu-tions, have highlighted the need to define the most effective ways of realizing the teaching and learning potential. Electronic learning (e-Learning) as it has come to be known, makes use of the Internet and digital technologies to deliver instruction synchronously or asynchronously to anyone who has access to a computer and an Internet con-nection. Taking into account this reality and necessity it was proposed a new e-learning platform for Operations Research’s teaching and learning. The system has been implemented in .net technology using C# computer lan-guage and web services. At the present time, it has been testing and improving at Havana Institute of Technology.
Key words and phrases: algebra of logic; biography; Claude Shannon; cryptography; discrete schemes; genetics; modeling; theory of information.
Abstract: The paper present the first detailed biography in Russian of the outstanding American scientist Claude Elwood Shannon (1916, Gaylord, Michigan – 2001, Winchester, Massachusetts, USA).
Key words and phrases: construction control; legal control of town-building; provincial construction;
regular construction; town-building standardization.
Abstract: The paper analyzes the state, features and formation stages of town-building standardization on the eve of reforms in the first quarter of the XVIII century in the course of creating centralized Russian state.