Four-Language Scientific-Theoretical and Applied Multidisciplinary Journal
Objectives and characteristics of the Journal are:
- to provide a forum
to the Contributors - for the best presentation of their scientific achievements in a paper form;
to the Readers - for the best study or survey of these publications;
- to publish four times a year (an increase in the number of issues is being planned);
- to make both the regular and theme issues on selected topics;
- to invite authors of another towns and foreigners;
- papers will be published in one of the four languages: Russian/English/German/French and will be
accompanied by abstracts in all four languages; the papers may also contain bilingual paragraphs of
general nature of the work;
- the following types of manuscripts are considered for publication: full-length papers, reviews, short
communications, discussion materials, letters to the Editor, as well as serial and multipart papers, and,
if necessary, separate extended preprints of the works, Ph. D. and Doctoral thesis, etc. (their
summaries are inserted in the Journal);
- the page number of the manuscript is not limited, however, the reviewers will be asked to comment
on the paper length;
- each manuscript is subjected to the peer review and submitted by a member of Editorial Board;
- papers of great interest will be published rapidly;
- authors keep the right to publish their translated versions or revised works in the other editions;
- only the principal author will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal; authors can, however, order
additional (paid) copies of the Journal or reprints of the paper;
- it is possible to order either the complete volume (number) of the Journal or individual sections of the
Journal (each of them at 25% of the basic price) according to the following main topics.
The main topics of the Journal:
- Automation. Information. Control. Instruments.
- Chemical and related engineering. Chemistry.
- Mathematics. Physics.
- Machine-building. Building-construction. Material science. Metal-working.
- Agriculture.
- Economics and social sciences.
- Other topics of University profile and life.
To "Transactions of the TSTU"