(by the main topics;in the authors alphabet)
Balashov S.V., Zhuckov N.P., Lyashkov V.I., Mainikova
N.F., Orlov V.V. Measuring and Calculating
Sys- tem for the Analysis of Tempera-
ture Relationship of Heat Conduction and Heat Capacity of Mate- rials (p. 35-43)
Barshutin S.N., Shelochvostov V.P., Chernychov V.N. Ionoselective Method of Control over Cationic Composition
of Industrial Sewage (p. 185-194.)
Bodrov V.I., Pogonin V.A.
Solving of Control Problems in Condition of Uncertainty (p. 534-540)
Vasilyev S.A., Vasilyev A.S. Modification of Algorithm for Binary Space Decomposition for Scenes
Visualization of 3D Objects (p. 394-398)
Maynikova N.F., Rogov I.V., Balashov A.A. Non-Destructive Control of
Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Composite Materials (in English) (p.
Malygin E.N., Nemtinov V.A., Nemtinova Yu.V. Construction Principles of the System for
Solving Industrial Ecology Problems (in English)
Malygin Ye.N., Krasnyansky M.N., Ahmedov V.A. Technical Diagnostics and Equipment Maintenance
in the Problem of Multiproduct Chemical Manufacturing Scheduling) (p. 541-553)
Milovanov I.V. Modeling and Control of Asynchronic Parallel Processes
(p. 373-377)
Milovanov I.V. Composition
of Algorithms for Optimization and Parallel Systems Control (p. 554-559)
Mishchenko S.V., Dmitriev O.S., Shapovalov A.V., Kyrillov V.N. Mathematical Modelling of the Curing Process of
Products Made from Polymeric Composed Materials by the Technique of Vacuum
Autoclave Moulding in Technological Packet (p. 7-19)
Mishchenko S.V., Ponomarev S.V., Grigoryeva S.V., Ponomareva E.S., Divin
A.G., Churikov A.A. Method
and Measuring Device for Determining
Thermophysical Properties of
Materials Using Regular Regime (p. 362-372)
Muromtsev D.Yu., Gubanov R.A. Energysaving Optimum Multifunctional Regulator (p. 20-34)
Muromtsev Yu. L., Zhukov N.P., Mainikova N.F.,
Rogov I.V., Balashov A.A. Unñîrrectly Formulated Problems
Under Non-destructive Control of Thermal Physical Characteristics of Materials.
Comparative Analysis of Control Methods (p. 524-533)
Nyrkova L.A. Metrology
Control over Thermal Physical Measurements on the Basis of Dynamic Processes Research (p. .570-573)
Pankov B.V. On Determination
of Average Speed of Pulsating Gas Streams by Means of Pneumometric Sondes (p.
Ponomarev S.V., Dryazgov A.N., Khanuni S.S. Modeling of Device and Methods for Measuring Turbular Prandtl Number in Liquid Flow (p. 378-390)
Pustovit A.P., Irzhavtsev K.Yu., Boyarinov A.Ye., Glinkin Ye.I. Method of Identification of Thermal Physical
Properties by Sample Materials (p. 560-569)
Sergin M.Yu. Methods
and Algorythms of Structural Optimum Construction of Control Systems: Choice
and Identification (synopsis) (p. 213-214)
Frolov S.V.
Linguistic Interval Model for Technological Processes with Indeterminate
Parameters (in German) (p. 195-204)
and related engineering. Chemistry
N.A., Kessler Yu.M., Petrenko V.E., Nikiforov A.Yu., Antipova M.L., Borovkov
A.V. The Connection between
Characteristic Parameters of Potential Energy Functions of Double Interaction
Water Molecules and Some Results of Numerical Experiment (p. 251-264)
P.S., Klinkov A.S., Chucksin A.K., Zabavnickov M.V. The Present State of the Art of Processing and
Utilizing of Worn Automobile Tyres (p. 72-79)
N.Z., Koliuch A.N., Konovalov V.I., Saveliev A.A. Peculiarities of heat transfer and drying kinetics on contact drums (p.
Dvoretsky S.I., Kormilitsin
G.S., Pestretsov S.I. Hydrodynamics of the Transversally-Vented Moving Dense Ring Type Beds of Grains (p
S.I., Karnishev V.V., Omer A.S. Development
of Production Progressive Technology of Macroheterocyclic Pigments with
Improved Colour and Rheologic Parameters (p. 574-591)
Zharikov V.V. Mathematical Description of the Dispersion Process of Metal Filler in
Olygomer Media (p. 607-610)
V.F., Shuvalov A.M., Terentyev O.V. Substantiation of Energy Parameters of Self-Regulating Water Heater
with Passive Electrode (p. 225-229)
A.B., Abakumova N.A., Memetov N.R. Cathode Reduction of Ions [Ñu(NH3)4]2+ and Anode Copper Oxidation on Glass-Carbon (p. 611-616)
A.A., Pershin V.F., Sviridov M.M., Tarov V.P., Shubin I.N. Peculiarities of Determination of Angles of Internal
Friction of Granular Materials (p. 60-65)
Kudi A.N.,
Dolgunin V.N., Yushkova O.B. Segregation
Modelling in Aerated Gravity Flows of Particulate Solids (in English) .(p. 599-606)
V.F., Selivanov Yu. T. Calculation
of Scheduling of Components Loading in Drum Mixer (p. 591-598)
M.A. Kinetics of Dissolution
and Emulsification in Rotor Pulse Cavitation Apparatus (Energetic Approach) (p. 230-238)
Tyshkevich A.A., Galizdra B.I., Mordasov M.M., Martemyanov Yu.F.,
Luzghachov V.A.
Mathematical Modelling of Jet Bubbling (p. 66-71)
O.A., Belousov E.K., Kharitonov V.N., Batrin Yu.D., Rudakova T.V., Starovoytov
M.K. Evaluation of
Technological Factors Influence on the Efficiency of the Reactor’s Work of
N, N-Methyl Phenylamin Synthesis (p. 431-439)
A.A., Dolgunin V.N.,
Ivanov O.O. Development of Segregation
Kinetics Equation for Rapid Shear Flow of Particles (in English) (p. 239-250)
Yu.A., Simanenkov S.I., Putin S.B., Guryev A.A., Zhdanov D.V. Development of Ecological Secure Technology for
Synthesis of Alkaline Metals Peroxides. Synthesis of Potassium Peroxide out of
Hydrogen Peroxide and Potassium Hydroxide
(p. 422-430)
Mathematics. Physics
Barsukov V.I. Investigation of Sensitivity Dependence of Flame Atomic Spectroscopy
Methods on the Choice of Analytical Signal Registration Scheme (p. 279-282)
V. I., Ivanov B.N., Lyashenko Yu. P. Research of Spectrum Analytical Characteristics of the Device for
Testing Zinc, Magnum and Copper in Sewage by Method of Atom Absorption
Spectroscopy (p. 641-650)
Yu. M., Podkauro A.M., Tkachenko A.A.,
Kudryavtsev S.P. Calculation of LaBO3 frequences and Dynamics of Lattice for Ortho-borates of Rare-earth Ålements (in French) (p. 651-654)
Ivanovsky V.A. Usage of Electromagnetic Fluctuations as the Source of Information for
Non-destructive Control of Polymer Systems (p. 455-472)
G.M., Plotnikova S.V. Finite Element Formulation
of Straight Composite Beams Undergoing Finite Rotations (in English) (p. 125-136)
Litovka Yu.V., Afanasyev A.V. One Approach to the Numerical Calculation of Electric Fields in
Electrolytes (p 87-100)
I.Yu. Efficient Transformations
in Flow-shop Scheduling Problem (p.
Miretsky I.Yu. Conveyor Problem: Constructive Approach to Optimum Schedules Make Up
(p. 440-448)
I.Yu. Flow-shop Problem: Algorithms for Synthesis of
Optimum Schedules (p 634-640)
Mordasov D.M Physical Grounds of Stream
Acoustic Vibrations Generation (p. 283-293)
Fourier-Chebyshev Triangular Sums in Lp
(in English) (p. 269-278)
Nikiforova O.Yu. To Sequential Mapping and Freshe-Uryson Mapping (p. 449-454)
Fomin V.I. On the Linear Bounds of Spectral Radius of a Matrix (p. 80-86)
Fomin V.I. To Some Correlation between the Indeterminate Solution for Equation (p. 265-268)
Machine-building. Building-construction. Material
science. Metal-working
N.V., Vorobiov Yu.V., Luckyanenko V.I. Mathematics Description of
Programmed Regulation of Rotation Frequency by
Means of Cam Mechanic Device Built in Planetarium Variable-speed Drive (p.
N.V., Vorobyov Yu.V., Lukyanenko V.I. Composition
of Movement Equation in Differentiated Form for Planet Variator with Cam
Program Bearer (p. 655-659)
Ledenyov V.V., Khudyakov A.V. Experimental Research of Bearing Capability and Displacements of Base
and Ring Foundations (p. 305-315)
Ledenev V.V., Safonov S.A. Experimental Research of Bearing Carrier and Hollow Cylinder
Basement Shifts under Eccentric
Sloping Force (p. 665-673)
Yu. V., Kolmakov A.V., Pudovkin A.P. Improvement of Rolling Mill bearing for Bimetal Production (p. 660-664)
Polyakov E.V., Brusentsov
Yu.A., Minaev A.M. Use of the CdxSn1-xS Alloy in Detectors of Electromagnetic
Radiation of Inftra-red and Visible Spectrum (p. 101-104)
Snyatkov N.M. Non-linear Calculation Model of Statically Indeterminate Reinforced
Ferroconcrete Constructions (p. 120-125)
Trifonov O.N., Vanin V.A.,
Ivanov V.I. Modular Construction of Machine
Tools Internal Circuit on the Basis of Linear Hydraulic Drive (p. 294-304)
Khvatov B.N., Lazarev O.S., Mochalin
N.N. Temperature Research in the Area of
Cutting under Band Grinding (p. 478-484)
Yartsev V.P. Physical - Chemical Bases of Polymers Resistance to Destroying (in English) (p. 105-119)
Yartsev V.P. Regularity
of Deformations and Destruction of Stretched – Bended Wooden Elements (in English) (p. 674-679)
and social sciences
Bezgin V.B. Hard Drinking and Sobriety in the Life of Russian Village (p. 142-153)
Byckovsky V.V. Investment Potential: Components and Fullfilment Mechanism (p. 316-323)
Byckovsky V.V. Usage of Principles and Categories of Field Theory in Analysis of
Investment Processes Control Systems (p. 485-489)
Ye. V., Zhukova M.N. Investment
Resources: Sources, Problems of Formation and Structural Optimisation (p.
Burtseva E.V., Chernyshov
V.N. Usage of Search and Modeling Systems
for Solving Professionally Oriented Judicial Tasks (p 508-510)
A.E., Ivanova S.A.
Development of Infrastructure of the Tambov Region and Free Economic Zones (p.
Milrood R.P., Chuksina L.N. New Information Technologies in Education: History, Experience,
Prospects (p. 496-507)
E.S. Principles and Interaction
Mechanism of Company Marketing Services with Regional Marketing Structures (p.
Pershin V.F., Alenicheva
Ye.V., Popov A.I. Development of Students' Creative Abilities
by Means of their Participation in Olympic Movement (p. 324-329)
N.P. A Body of Mathematics as Means of Teaching Economics (p. 680-687)
Slezin A.A. «The Great Turning Point» in Anti-Religious Work of Komsomol (p.
V.G., Voronina G.V., Shpagina N.M. The
Application of Soft Calculations in Calculating Tax Rates on Imputed Profit (p.
Sharapova I.V., Monastyrev
P.V. Conditions of Progressive Development
of Design Firm (in English) (p. 142-152)
Khorev A.I., Chainikova L.N. Projecting of Capital Sources Optimum Structure for Recycling Seasonal Enterprises of
Agricultural Industrial Complex (p. 490-495)
Yashina Ye.A., Makeeva M.N. The Text of Parody in Terms of Rhetorical Program (p. 153-169)
Our new professors, doctors
and candidates of sciences
Konovalov V.I.,
Churikov A.A., Netchaev V.M. p (170) Alekseev S.Yu. p (343) Afanasyev A.V. p (513) Baklykov A.V. p (344) Baranov A.A. p (174) Betina Z.N. p (174) Bogush V.A. p (175) Borisenko A.B. p (344) Bukin A.A. p (175) Golovashin V.L. p (175) Gunin V.A. p (175) Dvoretsky M.Yu. p (711) Dmitriev O.S. p (343) Dudakov V.P. p (711) Zharikov V.V. (p 175) Zharikov V.D. p (511) Zaitsev V.L. p (513) Ivanov O.O. p (176) Karnishev V.V. p (176) Korobova I.L. p (712) |
Korolev A.P.
p (344)
Makeeva M.N. p (174) Matveev S.V p (712) Miroshnikova T.A. p (513) Molibog T.A. p (153) Molotkova N.V. p (176) Pahomov A.N. p (176) Pestretsov S.I. p (514) Popov A.I. p (514) Potapochkin V.V. p (344) Selivanova Z.M. p (514) Sergeeva E.A. p (177) Slezin A.A. p (511) Stepanyan V.P. p (345) Sysoev E.V. p (345) Filatyeva L.V. p (514) Kharchenko V.Yu. p (712) Khaustov O.N. p (515) Khvorova L.Ye. p (711) Tsilenko L.P. p (515) Chemerchev L.N. p (177) Churikov A.A. p (512) |
Information. Announcements
Mishchenko S.V., Dvoretsky
S.I., Puchkov N.P. Establishment of a
TSTU-Based Regional Research University – Reality and Perspectives (p. 346-355)
Puchkov N.P. At the 2nd Russian
Seminar on Engineering Education «Engineering Education in the XXI
century» (p. 516-518)