Key words and phrases:The paper presents the stage of developing the methodology of express-control over the synthesis of high-energy substance as factors of process safety and its controllability. Using the diazotization reaction as an example, we discuss the applicability of the developed approach to express control of chemical transformations on the basis of indirect measurements of thermal, optical and conductive parameters of the sample.
Key words and phrases: dynamic programming; masking algorithm; predictive analyzer; reduction with eliminating.
Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm for constructing optimized parse tree for the formulas of temporal logic of linear time. The proposed method minimizes the number of unwanted temporal operators in the formula with time complexity proportional to the product of the expression length and the number of admissible transformations.
Key words and phrases: adaptation; measurements; structure management.
Abstract: The paper explores the issues of adaptation of measuring systems installed on mobile objects to changing operating conditions by simultaneous management of measuring instruments structure and measurement process.
Key words and phrases: electroencephalogram; frequency resolution; wavelet transformation.
Abstract: The detection model of the local maxima and minima in frequency domain of EEG signal has been described; it can be used in the construction of neuro-computer interface systems. The limitations of the two wavelets to detect the structures of local minima have been described. The model can be used in biomedical signal processing systems in real time.
Key words and phrases: mathematical model of human operators; method of networking; prevention and management of emergencies; virtual training simulator.
Abstract: The paper describes virtual training simulator to prevent and eliminate anthropogenic disasters. The approaches to mathematical modeling of human operator have been developed. The application of the method of networking has resulted in the development of virtual training simulator to practice joint actions of a group of operators.
Key words and phrases: algorithm; hyperplane; hypersurface; multidimensional geometry; multidimensional object; modeling; optimization; optimization factors; process parameters; projection; Radishchev chart; technological process.
Abstract: The article states the necessity of applying engineering methods to the problems of optimization of multifactorial processes. The ways of drawing multidimensional objects have been considered. The article presents an algorithm of creating graphical optimization models of multifactorial processes on the basis of Radishchev chart. An optimization model of the process of thermoplastic materials laser bonding has been built, it enables to evaluate visually the given process and promptly set up the appropriate bonding modes to provide the necessary qualities of the seam.
Key words and phrases: brightness histogram; digital image; mixture of granular materials.
Abstract: Based on the results of research work we propose a rapid method to assess the quality of the mixture of components that differ in color. The results of experimental studies of the method on model materials with different content of the original components in the mixture have been presented.
Key words and phrases: measurement error microwave path; modeling; reflection parameters; two-terminal parameters.
Abstract: The paper discusses the issues of analysis and modeling of measuring reflection parameters of microwave circuits based on multi-pole sensors and methods to improve their accuracy.
Key words and phrases: cable; long line; pie chart.
Abstract: The paper analyzes the work of the matching device that has two dis-crete variables with distributed parameters: a long line and a cable open at the end with an electrical length less than a quarter of wavelength. The formulas and graphs for the calculation of discrete bodies of the matching device have been described.
Key words and phrases: complex technical equipment; medical equipment; medical information system; medical products.
Abstract: The paper formulates the main problems of complex technical equipment of health care institutions. The following terms-medical equipment, medical device, and medical product-have been specified. It is shown that optimal selection of medical equipment and integrated medical information system is necessary for complex technical equipment of health care institutions.
Key words and phrases:criteria equations; heat exchanger; heat transfer; finned surface; recuperator.
Abstract: The paper explores the possibility of heat recovery using a heat exchanger with a developed surface of heat transfer. Technical solution to intensify the heat transfer has been proposed. Criteria equations have been obtained.
Key words and phrases: degree of crystallinity; drying; effective diffusion coefficient; extraction; nitrocellulose; porosity; structure.
Abstract: The paper studies structural characteristics of nitrocellulose and internal mass transfer in drying from ethanol. The dependence to calculate the effective diffusion coefficient given the structural characteristics of nitrocellulose has been proposed.
Key words and phrases: alternating current; cyclic current-voltage curves; electrode process; potassium hydroxide.
Abstract: The study of the electrochemical behaviour of nickel in a solution of potassium hydroxide at imposing of sinusoidal alternating current of different frequencies has been made. It is shown that the degree of nickel oxidation in the produced oxides depends on the frequency of alternating current.
Key words and phrases: thermal storage material; plastic; production unit.
Abstract: The production unit for thermal storage materials has been designed and constructed; process parameters for manufacturing of thermal storage material have been developed.
Key words and phrases: cavitation; disinfection; multifactor effects; organic fertilizers; phytopathogenic fungi; rotary pulse device.
Abstract: The paper demonstrates the possibility of disinfection of liquid organic peat-based fertilizers by multifactor processing method for rotary pulse devices. Multifactor pulse, mainly cavitation treatment results in decrease in the total number of bacteria and the fungal spores as well as reduction in the presence of viable fungal colony-forming units.
Key words and phrases: activator; cavitation; cracking; free radicals; hydroperoxides; motor fuel; oxidation.
Abstract: Physical and chemical mechanisms of the processes in the hydrodynamic activator, leading to changes in a number of properties of motor fuel, have been analyzed and proposed. Cavitation and the formation of free radicals and hydroperoxides have been adopted as the main main factors.
Key words and phrases: bulk solids; continuing weight feeding; mathematical model.
Abstract: The paper describes a mathematical model of continuing weight feeding given the nevenness of bulk solids distribution on the feeder belt.
Key words and phrases: capacity; inductance; magnesium sulfate; resonant frequency.
Abstract: It is established that the resonant frequency of interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions Mg2+ SO4 and linearly increases, and inductance respectively decreases with the increase in concentration and temperature. It is shown that the capacity corresponding to the resonant frequency of the interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions practically does not depend on temperature. The dependence equations of the resonant frequency and the inductance of interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions Mg2+ and from concentration and temperature have been described.
Key words and phrases: concentration; dialysate; ion-exchange membrane; portable ion; transport characteristics of membranes.
Abstract: The values of the coefficients of diffusive and osmotic permeability have been produced for MK-40 and MA-40 electrodialysis ion-exchange membranes equilibrated with two-component aqueous solutions of electrolytes, divalent salts. The experimental data have been approximated by calculation dependencies.
Key words and phrases: carbon nanotubes; electroplating processes; heat transfer intensification; inverse problem of non-stationary heat conductivity; roughness increase.
Abstract: The method to increase the roughness and heat transfer has been considered. The appropriateness of using nanosized materials to achieve this goal has been verified; positive effect of their application has been revealed. The hypothesis of the effect has been experimentally tested.
Key words and phrases: calcareous chemisorbents; dynamic activity; recycling; sorption capacity.
Abstract: The paper explores the possibility of producing a composition of sheet calcareous chemisorbent of acid gases using polymeric fibrous materials. Chemisorption properties have been investigated, the possibility of recycling of carbonized chemisorbents has been examined.
Key words and phrases: calcareous chemisorbent; carbon dioxide; chemisorption rate; degree of conversion.
Abstract: The paper studies the kinetics of carbon dioxide absorption by calcareous sheet chemisorbents under static conditions, depending on the time of the experiment, temperature, humidity and the volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the gas phase.
Key words and phrases: life support system; process; short-cycle adsorption process.
Abstract: The paper describes the structures of interaction of the subsystems of oxygen adsorption concentration process at various stages of operation.
Key words and phrases: adsorption process; air regeneration; mathematical modeling.
Abstract: The paper describes a mathematical model of air regeneration process by an adsorption method.
Key words and phrases: external human respiration; individual breathing apparatus; intelligent control system; test facility “Artificial lungs”.
Abstract: The paper describes an improved scheme of test facility “Artificial lungs” using a high-speed and high-precision linear actuators and intelligent control systems that adequately simulate the human breath when testing self-contained breathing apparatus. The composition and approaches to the construction of software test system “Artificial lungs” have been presented.
Key words and phrases: artificial lungs; carbon dioxide concentration; control system; oxygen consumption; respiratory gas.
Abstract: The paper examines the simulation of control over “Artificial lungs” facility in MatLab package. A given concentration of carbon dioxide in the lungs in testing mode is achieved by controlling the rate and depth of breathing. Oxygen consumption is simulated by respiratory gas discharge in the atmosphere in inspiratory phase and supply of the corresponding quantity of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
Key words and phrases: oxygen concentrator; pneumatics; pressure swing adsorption.
Abstract: The technological scheme of medical pneumatic oxygen concentrator has been developed.
Key words and phrases: artificial lungs; optimal control; oxygen consumption; prediction algorithm.
Abstract: The paper describes the structure of predictive system to control “Artificial lungs”. An algorithm for optimal control over feeding and removing of gases from the artificial lungs to simulate oxygen consumption has been proposed.
Key words and phrases: artificial lungs; modulating functions; oxygen consumption; pneumotachogram.
Abstract: The paper presents the mathematical model of human external respiration, describing the dynamic processes in artificial lungs imitating various pneumotachograms and levels of oxygen consumption. It is proposed to use modulating functions in pneumotachograms.
Key words and phrases: oxygen concentrator; pneumatics; pressure swing adsorption.
Abstract: The dynamic characteristics of pneumatic oxygen concentrator have been studied.
Key words and phrases: cyclic adsorptive process; simulator.
Abstract: Simulator for training personnel working in confined spaces has been developed; it can work in various operational modes of adsorbed concentration of carbon dioxide.
Key words and phrases: “Artificial lungs” device; breathing apparatus; external human respiration; mathematical model; personal respiratory protection.
Abstract: The paper studies the factors affecting human external respiration in order to develop its mathematical model.
Key words and phrases: dynamic systems; differential equations; mathematical modeling; recurrent trajectories.
Abstract: The search algorithm of Poisson stable points of dynamical systems has been proposed.
Key words and phrases: adsorption separation of gas mixtures; mathematical modeling; pressure swing adsorption.
Abstract: The paper describes a mathematical model of adsorption separation of multi-component gas mixtures by pressure swing adsorption method. The resulting model enables to calculate multi-adsorption oxygen concentrators with a complex geometry and multiple load charge.
Key words and phrases: “Artificial lungs”; human external respiration; identification algorithm; mathematical model; self-contained breathing apparatus.
Abstract: The paper describes the method for identification of dynamic characteristics of oxygen consumption unit. The accuracy of the mathematical model for oxygen consumption unit has been estimated.
Key words and phrases: “Artificial light” device; human external respiration; mathematical model; personal respiratory protection.
Abstract: The paper explores the ways to increase the efficiency of testing of regenerative cartridges for personal respiratory protection. Various schemes of oxygen consumption unit, imitating human external respiration have been described.
N.A. Rubanov, S.G. Semerginsky
Department “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”, TSTU;
Recommended for Publication by Professor G.M. Kulikov
Key words and phrases: attractor; autonomous systems; Lorenz system; ordinary differential equations; successive approximations
Abstract: Based on the method of successive approximations of Picard there constructed a solution of autonomous systems of ordinary differential equations which right-hand side is a multivariate polynomial. There given the results of numerical experiment that may allow a new look at the well-known hypothesis about the structure of the attractor of the Lorenz system.
Key words and phrases: abrasive belt; grinding; performance; self-sharpening grain; surface roughness.
Abstract: The findings of laboratory and industrial studies of grinding rate of abrasive belt with self-sharpening grain of leading brands specializing in grinding materials and tools including VSM AG (Germany), 3M (USA) have been described. The obtained results enabled to rate the belts applied in production facilities of OAO «Tambov plant “Komsomolets” named after N.S. Artyomov» to ensure rough grinding of work pieces for food storage equipment of sheet metal to the technically regulated parameters Ra = 0,32 mkm.
Key words and phrases: failure rate; gamma-percent level of residual life; interval estimation; model of resource consumption; residual life.
Abstract: The paper considers a model of resource spending. Using the truncated sample scheme we specified the actual failure rate of equipment under specific operating conditions. The estimates of mean and gamma-percent levels of residual life have been proposed.
Key words and phrases: bitumen-polymer durability; kinetic (thermo fluctuation) conception; lines of thermal aging; monoaxial stretching; penetration;
UV irradiation.
Abstract: The prognostication method for durability of roofing bitumen-polymer materials based on the thermo fluctuation concept of destruction and deformation of solids has been developed. The regularities of the destruction and deformation of asphalt roofing compounds in different types of loading (tension, shear, compression and penetration) in a wide range of specified constant stresses and temperatures have been revealed.
Key words and phrases: construction materials; heat absorption; heat-proof materials; nanomodified materials; thermal conductivity; thermal insulation; thermal physical properties; volumetric heat capacity.
Abstract: The problem of increasing the strength and reducing the thermal conductivity of construction materials and thermal insulating materials by introducing nanosized particles into their structure. It is shown that the high-volume introduction of nanosized particles in construction and insulating materials during the manufacture of these products can increase their strength and thermal insulating properties. Carbon nanotubes and nanosized particles of manganese oxide have been proposed as nanosized additives.
Key words and phrases: coefficient of friction; low-temperature nitriding; VT16 titanium alloy; wear resistance.
Abstract: The paper studies the effect of gas mixture at low temperature nitriding on the structure and tribological properties of VT16 titanium alloy. It has been revealed that, irrespective of the nitriding mode the modified layer is formed on the surface, which can increase the microhardness and wear resistance of the surface.
Key words and phrases: carbon nanotubes; copper; nickel; polyaniline.
Abstract: The adsorption of copper and nickel ions by polyaniline (PANI) and its nanocomposite with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in various conditions of preparation of the initial samples (deprotonation with ammonia, reduction with hydrazine) has been investigated. It is shown that deprotonation has little effect on the absorption of copper and nickel from solutions of acetates of these metals. Preliminary reduction of PANI and PANI/CNTs strongly increases absorption of copper, presumably due to redox reac-tion of copper ions with PANI leuco-base.
Key words and phrases: cenology analysis; communication systems; infocommunication network; technocenoses.
Abstract: The paper studies the basic concepts of technocenosis and the essence of cenology approach to infocommunication network, the methodology of cenology analysis of communications systems and the costs of services of BEG Centre technological communications.
Key words and phrases: certification system; competitiveness; compliance declaring; international standard; national standard; product identification quality.
Abstract: Application of ISO 9000 standards in housing and utilities hasn’t resulted in developing of modern entrepreneurial outlook of senior managers and executives, which is based on the idea that main purpose of the quality system is to ensure the quality of works, services, profitability and competitiveness. The authors propose the mechanisms linked with the development of national standards that affect the quality of products and services in housing and utilities.
Key words and phrases: management; modernization; processes.
Abstract: The paper studies the concepts of modernization development; the approaches to modernization processes have been analyzed; the ways of increasing motivation for modernization process have been proposed; the management issues have been discussed.
Key words and phrases: management; management of organization; management structure; object of management; organization; process approach; subject of management.
Abstract: The paper examines the components of process management in the organization. The existing approaches to the management of organization have been analyzed. Recommendations on management improvement through the use of a process approach have been made.
Key words and phrases: integration model of staff motivation; interaction of company employees; motivating and encouraging staff.
Abstract: This paper discusses one of the solutions to the problem of motivating and encouraging staff in current conditions. We propose an integration model based on the differential principle of interaction system; it is aimed at positive solution of industrial and personal problems, including the work of project teams to address specific production problems.
Key words and phrases: consumer; measuring properties of service system elements; quality of services; service; service conditions; service sector; service system processes and elements.
Abstract: The paper considers the structure service system, the properties of services in terms of their application to measurement and assessment of their quality; the concepts “property”, “characteristic” used in the theory of measurement have been discussed.
Key words and phrases: defense industry; the Great Patriotic War; heavy industry; industry converting; the Tambov region.
Abstract: The military-industrial potential of the Tambov region before the war has been analyzed; the issues of reorganization of the local heavy industry to implement the state defensive tasks have been discussed.
Key words and phrases: causes of suicide; drunkenness; hanging; gender; mental disorders; poisoning; provincial town; Russian village; suicide.
Abstract: The paper studies the problem of suicide of provincial urban and rural residents in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The materials of statistics on suicides in Russian provinces have been studied and analyzed. The ways, reasons and motives for voluntary suicide of urban and rural residents have been explored. The problem of suicide of urban and rural residents has been discussed in social and gender aspects.
Key words and phrases: artistic technique “character’s dream”; dramatism; epic quality; epic remark; functionality.
Abstract: The article presents the analysis of the features of artistic dramatismin the plays of Vladimir E. Maksimov. The analysis is implemented by the reviewing of functionality of the following epic remarks: “by author”, “voice of the character”, “voice of the historic person”, “voice of the classic hero”, etc. It was revealed that the deviation from traditional forms of dramatism allowed the author to create a new dramatic stylistics.