Key words and phrases: checklists; methods of quality management; Deming cycle; heat; method of “instant” heat source; problem-solving methodology; thermophysical properties of materials; thermal diffusivity.
Abstract: The article considers the questions of quality management of the research process of thermophysical properties of materials on the basis of the problem-solvong methodology, which is the expansion of Deming cycle. In the framework of the methodology Pareto charts, Ishikawa diagram, brainstorming, FMEA analysis and other tools and methods of quality management are employed.
Key words and phrases: database; liquid-liquid equilibrium; ASOG; UNIFAC; vapor-liquid equilibrium.
Abstract: A flexible algorithm with a database are created to determine the group structure of the components, the group surface area and volume parameters, as well as the group interaction parameters for definition of activity coefficients by UNIFAC and ASOG methods. On this basis, it is possible to calculate the activity coefficients, to pre-dict the phase equilibriums of multi-component systems vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid (for the divided into layers mixtures).
Key words and phrases: failure and recovery rates; information security; inci-dent and event of information security; Markov random process; transition matrix; tran-sition probabilities; the state of operation; content analysis means.
Abstract: It is offered to use a method of transitive probabilities to calculate the possibility of information security devices, working in discrete time in the system of monitoring over the bank information security incidents, to remain in the state of opera-tion caused by malfunctions in their work. For the content analysis we have identified the set of possible functioning conditions and their stationary and non-stationary prob-abilities which can be used by the security administrator in decision-making process, and for designing new systems of monitoring.
Key words and phrases: competing access; delay; network control system; stability.
Abstract: The qualitative analysis of data transmission on the channels with competing access mode and its influence on functioning of network control system is carried out. It is proved that the delay in the control system is caused by data buffers of the digital gage and the regulator, and it doesn't decrease over time.
Key words and phrases:Key words and phrases: assessment criteria; management system; stage of maturity.
Abstract: The paper describes the method of assessing the level of development of an integrated management system of modern organizations. It is shown that management systems of modern organizations can be divided into three parts. The proposed model of integrated assessment of the management system demonstrates the relation between its components.
Key words and phrases: effective numerical methods; magnetic field; magnetostrictive level converters.
Abstract: We consider numerical methods for calculating magnetic fields of magnetostrictive level transducers of surface type. The ways of improving the efficiency of these numerical methods are shown.
Key words and phrases: destabilizing factor; data measuring system; mathematical model; measuring channel; optimization.
Abstract: The mathematical model of the measuring channel of data measuring systems under the influence of destabilizing factors is developed, its application in the design of the measuring channels will increase the accuracy and timeliness of the parameters of data measuring systems as a result of optimization of the measuring channel parameters.
Key words and phrases: braking heating; expansion cooling; gas-hydrodynamic calculation; squares of pressure equation; thermal separation; viscous dissipation; vortex effect; vortex tube.
Abstract: We show the contradictory interpretations of the mechanism of the vortex temperature separation effect and no basis for its scientific-physical calculation. An engineering gas-hydrodynamic method of calculation based on the determination of the hydrodynamic resistance of the vortex tube and its components has been proposed and further developed. The equation for calculating the squares of pressure difference, taking into account logarithmic expansion of a compressible medium, has been obtained. Subsequent thermal calculation is performed on the basis of clearly identified effects of braking heating, expansion cooling and viscous dissipation, with the introduction of the “reality” correction factors. An experimental apparatus has been designed and constructed; the results of extensive experiments with seven modifications to the vortex tube and a method of statistical analysis have been presented. The final equations have been specified by the experiments for the specific types of vortex tubes.
Key words and phrases: mixing; modeling; operation; segregated flows.
Abstract: The earlier suggested method of mixing process organization of segre-gating particulate solids is developed to improve its dynamics characteristics. The dy-namics of a continuous mixing process with portionsdelivery of some components and operation of their segregated flows is studied experimentally and analytically on the basis of a drummer apparatus. It was found out that the efficiency of the suggested method increases sufficiently if a buffer mass of these components is allocated in the head apparatus part.
Key words and phrases: cracking ratio; drum; drying uniformity; microwave; rotary temperature distribution.
Abstract: The influence of microwave power, temperature and velocity of the hot air stream on drying rate, uniformity of drying and temperature of the material in microwave and microwave-convective drying of soybeans in the rotating drum was studied experimentally. Temperature of the material surface and drying uniformity were visualized and analyzed with the IR Thermal Imager. Compared with the sole micro-wave drying it was found that in the accelerating drying rate stage blowing hot air through the cascading bed of MW-heated soybeans is highly beneficial to reduce the material surface temperature, enhance drying rate and improve drying uniformity. How-everHowever, in the falling drying rate stage the effect of hot air on drying rate was not so advantageous since the drying uniformity was worsened and the material temperature increased with hot air temperature. On the other hand, higher hot air velocity increases drying uniformity and reduces material temperature in the falling rate period which dominates the drying process but worsens the quality of soybeans quantified in terms of the cracking ratio.
Key words and phrases: adequacy of mathematical model; electroplating processes; form of objective function; irregularity; relative error.
Abstract: The paper describes the technique of experimental verification of the adequacy of the mathematical model of multi-anode galvanic baths. The dependence of the uniformity of applied coating on the anode voltage is studied; the choice of optimization method is justified.
Key words and phrases: concentration polarization; diffusion layer; dissociation of water; limiting current; overlimiting mode; transfer numbers.
Abstract: For single-component solutions in conditions of perfectly selective cation-exchange membrane in relation to electrodialysis we obtained numerical solution to the problem of formation of ion fluxes in the diffusion boundary layer formulated on the basis of Nernst–Planck equations under nonlinear character of concentration change with dissociation products of water – hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. In the overlimiting mode of electrodialysis we obtained the dependences of transfer numbers for ions, involved in mass transfer, on the current density and changes in local transfer numbers by the thickness of the diffusion layer.
Key words and phrases: capacity; cobalt acetate; concentration; inductance; the resonance frequency; temperature coefficient.
Abstract: It is established, that the resonance frequency of interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions Co2+ and CH3COO– linearly increases, and inductance linearly decreases with the increase of concentration and temperature. It is shown that the capacity corresponding to the resonance frequency of the interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions, practically does not depend from temperature. The dependence equations of the inductance and the resonant frequency of interrelated fluctuations of hydrated ions Co2+ and CH3COO– from the concentration and temperature and equation dependence the concentration from the temperature coefficients of the resonance frequency and the temperature coefficients inductance are resulted.
Key words and phrases: hydrate dioxide; potentiometer titration; surface complexes; indexes of concentrations maximums.
Abstract: The results of potentiometer titration of suspension of hydrated dioxides subgroups of germanium and titanium are produced. Within the framework of the existing models we have found the dependence of the surface complexes concentration on the border of hydrated dioxide/water-electrolyte solution from pH solution and temperature of the produced hydrated dioxides.
Key words and phrases:carbon sorbents; coke dust; quality of commercial toluene; thermochemical activation.
Abstract: The paper presents the developed method for the production of carbon sorbents by means of thermo-chemical activation of coal dust, which is a waste of coke-chemical production. We propose to use the obtained materials to raise the grade of the commercial toluene by reducing the amount of impurities limiting hydrocarbons in it.
Key words and phrases: roller-screw unit; recycling of waste; shear deforma-tion.
Abstract: The paper presents the technique of calculating shear deformation
in obtaining profile products of a specified quality on a roller-screw unit.
Key words and phrases: air regeneration in confined space; carbon dioxide concentrators; non-organic sorbents; sorbent regeneration.
Abstract: The paper presents a brief review of the ways of producing carbon di-oxide from the air. The comparative analysis of carbon dioxide concentrators is made. The importance of the development of carbon dioxide concentrator using non-organic sorbents regenerated with steam is explained.
Key words and phrases: aircraft unit for oxygen production; air oxygenation; mathematical model; medical oxygen concentrator; nitrogen adsorption; pressure swing adsorption technology; zeolite adsorbent.
Abstract: A mathematical model and algorithm of solving equations of air oxy-genation dynamics model for a two-adsorber unit of pressure swing adsorption with vacuum desorption for people with chronical obstructive lung disease, have been devel-oped. Mass- and heat-exchange processes that occur during nitrogen adsorption from gas-air mixture with the help of block zeolite adsorbent have been mathematically mod-eled.
Key words and phrases: active aluminum oxide; drying sorbent; short-cycle pressure swing adsorption; zeolite.
Abstract: The paper describes the developed dual adsorption device, functioning on the basis of short-cycle pressure swing adsorption. We present and analyze the re-sults of experiments on the effect of the cycle duration and the ratio of adsorption and desorption pressure on the depth of air drying.
Key words and phrases: determinization; interval convex programming
problem; quadratic programming.
Abstract: The paper considers the interval convex programming problem. The ways of solving the problem through the two deterministic problems – upper and lower boundary value problems – are shown. The approach is based on the comparison of the intervals.
Key words and phrases: biophotonics; optical diffusion tomography; late pho-tons; virtual isotropic source.
Abstract: We present the results of experimental studies and numerical simula-tion of registering late arriving photons and detecting heterogeneity in diffusion optical tomography.
Key words and phrases: electromagnetic waves; Malus law; polarization; ultra-high frequency.
Abstract: Malus law on polarization of electromagnetic waves is valid for mi-crowave range with ? = 3,2 cm, if the source and receiver of radio waves use rectangu-lar waveguides with a pyramidal horn antennas. If the microwave generator is loaded with cylindrical waveguide with finite-mechanical antenna, then there are significant deviations from the law of Malus. The reason for breaking the law is revealed.
Key words and phrases: fluid pulse generator; hydraulic connections; hydraulic stepper drive; hydraulic stepper motor; gear and groove processing machines; shaping circuits.
Abstract: The paper explores the possibility of constructing internal kinematic chains in the form of hydraulic connections on the basis of the hydraulic drive stepper of groove processing machines to improve the accuracy by reducing the extent of kinematic chains, reducing metal capacity and creating a rational design of the machine using a modular approach to the design and construction of kinematic chains of machines.
Key words and phrases: legal protection; nanotechnology; patents; result of intellectual activity.
Abstract: The paper studies the possible forms of legal protection of intellectual property, and specific features of nanotechnology as the objects of invention. Recommendations on the choice of legal protection of intellectual property are made.
Key words and phrases: component structure of competence; conditions of the realization of competence; estimating the quality of teaching; statistical methods in pedagogy; potential of competence; factor analysis.
Abstract: The paper presents the method of estimating the quality of competencies based on their representation in the form of two components – the potential which is formed in high school and realization in the professional activity. The questions of correlation of estimates of these components and searching for their quality control mechanisms are considered.
Key words and phrases: innovation; modernization; scientific potential; state projects; the system of education.
Abstract: The paper explores the implementation of priority projects in the social sphere, education, business, promoting innovative development of the Russian Federation.
Key words and phrases: calibration; communication; expertise; improvement; laboratory; management analysis; management system; processes; quality assurance; testing; verification.
Abstract: The paper studies the interaction of the processes of “4.10 Improvement”, “4.15 Management Review” and “5.9 Assuring Quality of Testing and Calibration Results” with the other processes of the management system of testing and calibration laboratories both in solving problems of operational management of the laboratory and in preparing strategic solutions to improve management processes laboratories. The application of the processes “4.9 Management of Testing and / or Calibration Works not Meeting the Standards”, “4.10 Improvement”, “11.4 Corrective Action”, “4.12 Preventive Action” in the implementation of testing and calibration laboratories is discussed.
Key words and phrases: competitiveness; elements of the service system; quality of services; service; process approach to management; process services; service system, service sector; service elements.
Abstract: The paper explores the elements and processes of the service system, their interaction and relations; it describes the types of service systems from the point of the process approach.
Key words and phrases: groups of consumers; market of road transport services; market segmentation; signs of segmentation; target segment; urban passenger transport.
Abstract: The paper presents the segmentation of the urban passenger transport market on the example of the city of Tambov and the analysis of the identified segment groups.
Key words and phrases: academic mobility; educational organization; innovation in the economy; national and international academic mobility.
Abstract: The paper explores the role of academic mobility in the development of innovation and quality management system through the creation of international competitive educational organizations.
Key words and phrases: ISO 9000 standards; methodology of quality assurance; product quality; quality of services; Total Quality Management.
Abstract: The article considers methodological approaches to the development of quality management of services of a life-support enterprise; the role and place of quality management in the total management system, the essence of the concept of the total quality management and its goals are revealed.
Key words and phrases: historical analysis; mathematical modeling; national identity; public balance; Russian community; Russian emigration; social adaptation.
Abstract: This article offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the historical phenomenon of the Russian emigration of “first wave”. A mathematical approach to studying the evolution of the social system of emigration 1920–1930s is applied.
Key words and phrases: adoption; orphan; orphan in the community; reasons and conditions of orphanage; social orphanage; state care for orphans.
Abstract: The paper deals with the problem of orphans in Russian society today; the conditions and reasons for which children become orphans are specified; some possible ways of solving this problem are discussed.
Key words and phrases: economic crisis; federal channel; sub-regional channel; television advertising.
Abstract: The article studies the peculiarities of manifestation of the economic crisis 2008–2010 in the activities of sub-regional channels compared to the federal ones. On the basis of material collected from the Internet sources and TV channels of towns Rasskazovo and Uvarovo in Tambov region, the author shows that federal channels associated with the major brands have experienced a significant drop in advertising revenues, but sub-regional channels that depend on the everyday needs of residents have overcome the crisis period without major disruptions.
Mots cles et phrases: la communication ; l’information ; la langue ; la semiotique ; le signe ; les unites de la langue.
Resume: Est presentee une breve revue des idees des fondateurs de la semiotique comme science. Est argumente son role pour l’etude des phenomenes de la langue.
Key words and phrases: communication; information; language; language units; sign; semiotics.
Abstract: Brief outline of semiotic founders scientific ideas is given. Semiotic function in language phenomena investigation is revealed.