The Mixing and Segregation Effects During Shear Deformation of Cohesionless Particulate Solids (in English) Text of paper (pdf-file) Transactions of the TSTU
Transactions of the TSTU

Four-Language Scientific-Theoretical and Applied Multidisciplinary Journal

(by the main topics; in the authors alphabet)

Automation. Information. Control. Instruments

Mathematical Modeling of Electronic Measuring Equipment at the Estimation of their Metrological Reliability
T.I. Chernyshova, M.A. Kamenskaya «Designing of Radio-Electronic and Microprocessor Systems», TSTU;

Key words and phrases: electronic measurement equipment; intertesting interval; metrological characteristic.
Abstract: The paper examines various kinds of mathematical models of temporal variation of metrological characteristics; the optimum kind of models with the application of rational interpolation is selected. Extrapolation of the constructed analytical dependences on the area of the future values of the operating time allows defining indicators of metrological reliability as well as intertesting intervals.

Automatic Control System with Digital Camcorder
M.M. Blagoveshchenskaya, Ya.V. Ivanov
Departments: Department of Bioengineering Systems Automation, Moscow State University of Applied Bioengineering;

Key words and phrases: camcorder; control; system.
Abstract: The camcorder as an intelligent sensor can be used in automatic control systems for production processes. The functional scheme of automatic control system with camcorder can give information about time delays in reverse link system.

Problem of Initial Admissible Basis in the Performance of Linear Programming Tasks
N.N. Kutsiy, E.A. Osipova
The Department of CAD Systems, Irkutsk State Technical University;

Key words and phrases: admissible basis solution; Dantzig’s method; initial simplex-table; research into operations.
Abstract: The paper specifies Dantzig’s method to determine the initial admissible basis for linear programming tasks with its subsequent application to the construction of the initial simplex-table.

Realization of Algorithm of Termination Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Object
P.M. Onevsky, M.P. Onevsky, A.A. Ishin
Department “Information Processes and Control”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: adjustable parameters vector; iteration algorithm of control; forecasting model; sensitivity equation; cycle of trajectory correction.
Abstract: The paper offers iterative algorithm of control over finite condition of the nonlinear dynamic object and its realization on the example of the fighter direction to the air target with the specified aspect angle. Due to the forecasting model application which involves both the object model and the sensitivity equations to determine the corrections to the adjustable parameters vector, the task of terminal control is solved without the procedures of numerical differentiation in the course of determining the sensitivity of object coordinated to the control parameters, thus improving the accuracy and stability of the control algorithm.

Automated System of Non-Destructive Control over the Diffusion Coefficient of Solvent in the Products Made from Capillary-Porous Materials
Ì.P. Belyaev1, V.P. Belyaev1, A.G. Divin2
Departments: «Polymer Processing and Packaging» (1),
«Quality Control and Certification» (2), TSTU;

Key words and phrases: capillary-porous material; diffusion coefficient; galvanic converter of solvent content in solid phase; non-destructive control; polar solcent.
Abstract: Automatic system of nondestructive control over solvent diffusion coefficient in fine products made of capillary-porous materials is studied. This system enables automatic experiment running, measurement and monitoring of all experimental data in real time as well as desired parameter calculation according to elaborated algorithm.

Chemical and related engineering. Chemistry.

Drying and Other Engineering Processes with Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube: Possibilities and Experimental Technique
V.I. Konovalov, A.Yu. Orlov, N.Ts. Gatapova
Department “Chemical Engineering”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: cold flow; energy-saving; heat transformation; hot flow; Ranque-Hilsch vortex effect; vortex tube.
Abstract: The paper studies the possibilities of the application of Ranque-Hilsch vortex tubes in chemical engineering, primarily in energy-saving drying processes under high temperature and productivity. The need for the experimental testing of the specific cases is justified. The selected data table and the published characteristics of experimental, working in practice and developed plants are used to analyze and select the lab solutions.

S.Ya. Egorov1, K.A. Sharonin2, I.S. Fursov1, K.V. Nemtinov2
Departments: «Automated Designing of Production Equipment» (1);
«CAD Systems» (2), TSTU;
Represented by a Member of the Editorial Board Professor V.I. Konovalov

Key words and phrases: computer-aided design; informational and logical model; mathematical model; pipeline routing.
Abstract: In the article the statement of the problem of choosing the optimal spatial arrangement of trails of the technological pipelines within the plant premises, taking into account existing standards and design rules is considered.

Stability of the System Pipeline – Load Unit Regarding Flow Properties Heterogeneity
P.M. Shkapov
Department “Theoretical Mechanics”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University;

Key words and phrases: equation of the frequency; impedance boundary; mathematical modeling; method of D-partitions; stability boundaries.
Abstract: The paper studies the stability of the system pipeline–load with regard for the heterogeneity of flow properties in the longitudinal coordinate investigated. The boundaries of stability regions are identified. The comparison with the homogeneous case is made.

Modeling of Kinetics of the Mass Transfer under Conditions of Spontaneous Interfacial Turbulence on the Plane Interfacial Boundary
L.A. Stenin, S.A. Ermakov
Department “Processes and Devices of Chemical Engineering”,
Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin, Ekaterinburg;

Key words and phrases: mass transfer; Monte-Carlo method; spontaneous interfacial turbulen
Abstract: The paper presents the approximation technique of kinetic curves of mass transfer using Monte-Carlo method in conditions of spontaneous interfacial turbulence. Its applicability boundaries are determined via numerical experiments.

Calculation of Cleaning Efficiency in Electrocyclone
V.A. Petrov, N.V. Inyshkin
Department “Processes and Devices of Chemical Engineering”, Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin, Ekaterinburg;

Key words and phrases: active zone; settling velocity; purification efficiency; electrocyclone.
Abstract: The paper presents the deduction of criteria equation enabling to calculate the purification efficiency in electrocyclone.

Hydrogen Links in Sub- and Supercritical Water around Saturation Curve: Topological Aspect
D.L. Gurina1, N.A. Abakumova2, M.L. Antipova1, V.E. Petrenko1
Institute of Chemistry of Solutions RAS, Ivanovo (1);
Department “Chemistry”, TSTU (2);

Key words and phrases: supercritical water; hydrogen link; molecular dynamic modelling.
Abstract: The paper presents the research into hydrogen bonding in sub- and supercritical water in the area close to the saturation curve under the constant pressure of 30 and 50 MPa and constant temperature of 673 K. The method of molecular dynamics using the model potential TIP4P-HB is applied to the calculation of topological characteristics of hydrogen link: the average number of hydrogen links per water molecule, the degree of hydrogen bonding, distribution of molecules by the number of hydrogen links. Their change depending o the temperature, density and pressure is examined.

Synthesis and Spectral Characteristics of Chalcone Derivatives
S.E. Sinyutina1, A.G. Shubina1, R.A. Shubin2, E.G. Liadskaya1
Department “Organic and Biological Chemistry”, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin (1);
Department “Machines and Devices of Chemical Engineering”, TSTU (2);

Key words and phrases: chalcone; Schiff bases; UV and infrared spectra of chalcone derivatives.
Abstract: Condensation of 4-(N,N-dimetihylamino)chalcone with aromatic amines in alkaline medium results in Schiff bases. The nature of reaction products is confirmed by UV and IR spectra.

Determination of Compositions of Ternary Invariant Solution and Solid Phases which are in the State of Equilibrium with it in the System NH4H2PO4 — (NH4)2HPO4 — NH4Cl — H2O at 25 °Ñ
N.S. Kistanova, S.A. Mazunin, S.I. Frolova, A.S. Blinov
Department of Non-Organic Chemistry, Perm State University;

Key words and phrases: ammonium chloride; assessment; diammonium phosphate; eutonic solution; monoammonium phosphate; phase diagram; sections method; water-salt system.
Abstract: The paper presents the improved method for the determination of the compositions of invariant solution and solid phases, which are in the state of equilibrium with it illustrated by the 4-component water-salt system || Cl– — H2O at 25 °Ñ. The new assessment procedure of the invariant composition based on the data of the ternary systems is given.

Processes and Products for Air Regeneration and Chemical Protection

Dynamics of Chemical Adsorption with Regenerative Substances on the Basis of Superoxide of Alkaline Metals and Absorbers
S.V. Mishchenko, P.V. Balabanov, A.A. Krimshtein, S.V. Ponomarev
Department “Automated Systems and Devices”, TSTU (1);
Department “Transport Devices”, Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (2)

Key words and phrases: chemical adsorption; dynamics; mass transfer; mass transfer coefficient; superoxide.
Abstract: The paper presents analytical solutions to the equation of chemical adsorption dynamics; the parameters of the equations for the regenerative substances on the basis of superoxides and absorbers on the basis of hydroxides of alkaline metals are determined.

Research Kinetiñs of Absorption Carbon Dioxide Limy Chemisorbent
M.P. Vikhlyaeva, S.I. Dvoretsky
Department “Technological Equipment and Food Technologie”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: carbon dioxide; ñhemical adsorber; chemisorbent; degree of transformation; elastic substrate; energy of activation; kinetiks chemical reaction.
Abstract: It is investigated kinetiks absorption carbon dioxide ÑÎ2 limy chemisorbent in static conditions at various values. The equation for the description kinetiks adsorptions is picked up and kinetic parameters of reaction of interaction chemisorbent with carbon dioxide are determined.

Mathematics. Physics.

A Generalization of Perron’s Theorem
V.I. Fomin
Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: eigenvector; matrix of symmetric terms; positive matrix; positive eigenvalue; type of positive matrix.
Abstract: A classical result of Perron existence of a dominant positive eigenvalue of a positive matrix is generalized to a wider class of matrices that admit the existence of negative elements.

Research into Photoelectric Solar Energy Converter on the Basis of CdS/Si(p) Heterojunction Structure
V.V. Tregulov
Department «General, Theoretical Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics», Ryazan State University Named after S.A. Esenin, Ryazan;

Key words and phrases: volt-ampere characteristic; heterojunction structure; silicon; contact potential difference; cadmium sulfide; technology; photosensitivity; photoelectric converter.
Abstract: This article describes the results of the research into photoelectrical characteristics of CdS/Si(p) heterojunction structures, produced by the technology of cadmium sulfide film deposition in aqueous solutions. It studies the possibility of application of these heterojunction structures as photoelectric converter of solar energy.

Designing of Primary Measuring Temperature and Pressure Converters on Semiconducting Structures
Yu.V. Yatsinin, A.P. Korolev
Department “Materials and Technology”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: field effect; primary measuring converter; semiconductor; thermo sensitive element.
Abstract: The paper describes the results of the research into the influence of mechanical load and temperature on the semiconducting structures. The algorithm of calculation of optimal electro physical and design parameters of the proposed converter is presented. The issue of thermo compensation in the measurements of the plastic flow size is examined.

Machine-building. Construction.Material Science. Metal-Working

Testing Method for Integral Quality Criterion in the Deformation Zones of Mixing Devices
S.S. Gureev, A.S. Klinkov
Department “Processing of Polymers and Packaging”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: qualitative index; mixing; mixing effect; total value of the shear.
Abstract: The dependence for the total deformation shear calculation for the mixing process, which makes it possible to estimate the quality of the obtained composite, is determined.

I.G. Pirozhkova
Department «History and philosophy», TSTU;
Represented by a Member of the Editorial Board Professor V.I. Konovalov

Key words and phrases: autographed decrees; the Building charter; civil engineering; imperor’s decrees; management of building business; regular town-planning; rural housing construction; town-planning legislation; town-planning policy.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the town-planning policy of the Russian empire in the field of rural housing construction. Standard sources of legal control of rural town-planning in the XVIII–XIX centuries are defined and analyzed, from the moment the first acts of the all-Russian legislation came out to the beginning of the XX century.

Material Science. Nano Technology

Influence of the Process Parameters on the CVD Growing of Carbon Nanotubes
A.V. Melezhik, M.A. Smykov
Department “Machinery and Technology of Production of Nanoproducts”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: carbon nanotubes; catalyst; CVD.
Abstract: The paper studies the influence of temperature, composition and feed rate of gas on the yield and parameters of carbon nanotubes obtained by chemical vapor deposition from hydrocarbons.

Multi-Criteria Synthesis of a Composite as Control Task
A.N. Bormotov
Department «Automation and Control», Penza State Technological Academy,

Key words and phrases: mathematical modeling; quality management; multi-criteria synthesis; composite materials; structuring; optimization of structure and properties.
Abstract: Composite materials of special purpose are represented as complex technical systems. The new approach to multi-criteria synthesis of composite materials as to control task is offered. On the basis of this approach optimization of properties and structures of the composite materials with improved protective properties from the influence of aggressive environments and ionizing radiations applied to the objects heavy and nuclear industries is carried out.

Power Engineering. Energy Saving. Ecology

Remote Switching of Line Segment with Earth Connection and its Identification in Distribution Circuits with Insulate Neutral
V.A. Chernyshov1, E.A. Pechagin2
Department “Power Supply”, Oryol State Agrarian University (1);
Department “Electrical Equipment and Automation”, TSTU (2);

Key words and phrases: electrical safety of village circuits; fault search time; one-phase earth connection; outgoing circuits areas; relay protection devices; shortcut location detection; uninterruptible power supply.
Abstract: Although the fact of earth connection is not a sign of emergency mode operation it can eventually be modified into this mode – the mode of double earth connection. The paper proposes the technique improving the reliability of the power supply of consumers and the safety of electrical circuits with insulated neutral by the prompt detection of the damaged area location in the circuit.


Modeling of the Process of Methanolysis of Vegetable Oil in the Vortex Layer Apparatus of Ferromagnetic Particles
S.A. Nagornov1,2, D.S. Dvoretsky1, S.I. Dvoretsky1, A.A. Ermakov1
Department “Technological Equipment and Food Technologies”, TSTU (1);

Key words and phrases:homogeneous alkaline catalyst; mathematical model; methanolysis of vegetable oil; vortex layer of ferromagnetic particles
Abstract: The paper presents the mathematical model for the process of methanolysis of vegetable oil in the presence of the homogeneous alkaline catalyst in the vortex layer apparatus of ferromagnetic particles. The mathematical model includes the hydrodynamics equation of reaction mixture, Ampere-Maxwell equation for the description of the electromagnetic field in the apparatus and the equations of the hetero-geneous liquid phase reactions of nucleophylic substitution producing methyl ethers of higher aliphatic acid

Plant Engineering of Distillery Slop Processing
A.L. Androsov, I.A. Elizarov, A.A. Tretyakov
Department “Information Processes and Control”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: distillery slop; distillery slop processing; distillery industry; ecology.
Abstract: The paper describes the problems of recycling of distillery industry waste, it gives the review of the existing and perspective technologies of distillery slop processing; their advantages and disadvantages are compared, the recommendations with reference to the Russian manufacturing realities are made.

Engineering Pedagogics

Students’ Cognitive Learning Activity in the Course of Chemistry on the Basis of Complex Application of Electronic Textbook
M.A. Sviryaeva1, N.V. Molotkova2, I.A. Ankudimova3
Institute of Distance Education (1);;
Departments: “Technology and Organization of Commercial Activity” (2),
“Chemistry” (3), TSTU

Key words and phrases: data communication technologies; electronic textbook; professional training.
Abstract: The paper studies the application of electronic textbook in the course of chemistry; activation of cognitive learning activity of students through the use of electronic textbook in educational process is analyzed.

Innovation Potential of Educational Institution as Management Object
A.M. Rubanov
Regional Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Tambov State Technical University, Tambov;

Key words and phrases: educational institution; educational environment; cause-and-effect Ishikawa diagram; educational services market; labor market; capacity for innovation formation.
Abstract: TThe paper is concerned with the educational institution capacity for innovation formation and development as the basis of steady competitive position in the educational services market. The paper studies the possibility of application of cause-and-effect Ishikawa diagram for visualization and analysis of causes and factors which contribute to the capacity for innovation formation and development; the diagram was initially developed as a tool of quality management. The most significant external and internal factors and their influence on the stability of development of the educational institution are analyzed.

Economics and Social Sciences

Research into the Controlled Mathematical Model of the Multi-Sector Economy with the Constant Level of Consumption
I.S. Potapova
Department «Mathematics and Teaching Methods of Mathematical Disciplines», Ryazan State University Named after S.A. Esenin;
Post of Russia, Moscow (2)

Key words and phrases: acceptable control; external influence; fundamental matrix; provision of crediting; set of combinations; size of main assets; system of the differential equations; vector function.
Abstract: The mathematical model of change of the capital stock size is constructed. The necessary and sufficient conditions for control when the model has the solution, defining development of the branches of economy with the given level of consumption are specified.

Science in Nazi Germany Analysis of Variable and Fixed Costs Behavior
Zh.A. Ivanova
Department «Accounting, Analysis and Audit», East Siberian State Technological University;

Key words and phrases: costs; costs behavior; useful and useless costs; ways of costs splitting.
Abstract: The division of costs into fixed and variable is of particular importance in accounting as the availability of such groups of costs provides an objective evaluation of the company performance efficiency. It justifies the need for clarification of the essence of fixed and variable costs essence and the examination of their behavior.

Competency Approach as a Means of Human Resources Management of Military-Industrial Complex Enterprise
O.V. Leonova, O.V. Kolosova
Department “Strategies of Company Development”, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University;

Key words and phrases: competency approach; competency framework; enter-prise of military-industrial complex; human resources management.
Abstract: The article concerns the competency building approach as the way of human resources management. According this method we can obtain precise definition of the precise definition and behavioral requirements to be lodged employees depending on their professions and positions. The competency framework enables to unify the requirements to the staff members and work out common standards of corporate behavior, the basis for staff assessment and promotion.

Evaluative Regulation as a Functional Means of Economic Situation Assessment
E.Yu. Vyguzova, O.A. Glivenkova, E.K. Teplyakova
Department «Foreign Languages», TSTU;

Key words and phrases: context; evaluation object; evaluative regulation; reverse regulation.
Abstract: Elements of evaluative regulation as a means of assessing economic situation in a journalistic text are considered in this paper. Evaluative regulation allows revealing the specific character the economic situation.

Realities of Provincial Interpretation of the Electoral Law Norms in the Course of the Campaign Aimed at “Soviets Recovery”
S.A. Letnev
Department “History and Philosophy”, TSTU;

Key words and phrases: elections; electoral process; laws interpretation; New Economic Policy; political control; public prosecution; Soviets.
Abstract: The paper presents the realistic interpretation of legal norms of electorship by the local authorities in the course of the campaign aimed at the “Soviets’ revival”; it is illustrated by the materials of Tambov province. It is shown, that executing the state function of political control, both the Executive Committee of the Provincial Government and the Public Prosecution were not direct in their actions as it is interpreted by present-day authors, who equate the political control with the totalitarianism manifestations.

Importance of Intertext in F.M. Dostoevsky's Novel «Demons» in V.E. Maksimov’s Creative Work
A.E. Umnov
Department “Russian Philology”, Tambov State Technical University;

Key words and phrases: autobiography; Christianity; creativity; forgiveness; genre; hard times; history; intertext; motive; national soul; prophecy; quintessence; repentance.
Abstract: Dostoevsky’s intertext in V.E. Maksimov’s creative work is examined. The two novels by Maksimov are considered: «A Farewell from Nowhere» and «Wander to Death», which are close in the ideology and genre. The comparison of two main characters of novels is made, the influence of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky «Demons» on the development ideological axiological structure of Maksimov’s works is considered.

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