Transactions of the TSTU

Authors' Guide to Publishing in "Transactions of TSTU"

Complete set of materials which is presented for article publishing in "Transactions of TSTU"
  1. The authors' application to the editorship with the request for publication. The application states what type of work was performed (post-graduate, doctorate, contractual, national budget, grant, on personal initiative, etc.) as well as the publication urgency, the discussion character and, if necessary, other circumstances.
    The personal authorship is confirmed.
    All the attached documents with the indexation of the number of pages and copies are listed.
    The letter is signed by the authors.

    The especially urgent articles, ordered articles and express articles are published out of turn. The fee is not paid.
    In the event of the rise of controversial questions, discussions, etc. it is recommended to indicate the different competent reviewers or to attach their reviews.
  2. The manuscript includes:
    - title
    - full name of the author (authors)
    - name of the department or organization (for every author)
    - key words or phrases
    - abstract
    - list of designations
    - references.

Key words and phrases
Key words and phrases are presented in the form which is accepted in the leading magazines (journals) in the given branch of science. The maximum number of key phrases is 7-9, the number of words is 1-2 in each phrase but not more than 3.
It is recommended to use terminology, classifications, thesauruses, recommendations in headings, etc. which are accepted in this branch. The repeat of the key words from the headline is not desirable.

Designations are given at the beginning of the article after the abstract. They are located in front of the basic text in the two-column box. The values are indicated in SI system or in other units permitted to use. If the number of designations is fewer than 7-8, then it is possible to indicate them in the text. The list of the designations should be composed alphabetically in the following order: Latin, Greek and other symbols and abbreviations.

Comprehensive references are given in the form which is accepted in the given branch. In particular, the title is indicated for the articles and for the books the place, publishing house, date of issue and the number of pages are indicated. It is desirable to indicate every author, editor and the number of issue (at reissue).
The references are given in square brackets in the article. The pages are indicated if necessary.
The use of other accepted or conventional for this branch references assumed in the article. There are references which indicate surnames. Such references are accepted in mathematics literature. There are references below the page. Such references are conventional for works on philosophy. There are references of English-American system which indicate the publishing date after the list of the authors.

Text of the article
The body of the article consists of the content and the results of the work. At the beginning of the article unless it contains a special introduction or a review the brief task setting must be given (for short articles it usually consists of 1-3 sentences). The conclusion must be made at the end of the article (usually 1-3 sentences).
The information about grants and financial support as well as the acknowledgements are given below.
The authors' personal details (surname, name, patronymic), scientific degree, scientific title, job title (including the full name of the organization), e-mail must be presented at the end of the article.

E-version of the published article is posted on the journal website.

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